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CS607 – Artificial Intelligence

Home Forums Subject-wise Discussion CS607 – Artificial Intelligence

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  • #1015
    Prof Shoaib

    This is the platform for helping other subject fellows, you can discuss your midterm and final term papers. And also you are welcome to share all problems related to CS607.

    “Sharing is Caring”.

    Prof Shoaib

    CS607 – Today 30/05/2024 11:00 am
    MCQS past file + handout
    Short Questions:
    Machine thinks like a human and machine work like a human are same? Explain with examples
    how Genetic Algorithms work in search space?

    Long Question
    Rules type and components
    Strong AI vs Weak Ai with real life example
    Genetic Algorithms types

    Prof Shoaib

    CS607 Midterm Spring 2024
    Overall paper was easy mcqs half repeated and other are conceptual
    Vu topper and other was from handouts conceptual totally from handout
    1)Mouse cheese box which path is used?(Do questions isi related thy ek long or ek short tha)
    2) which knowledge is used about ( truck driver)
    3)CNF(Conjunction normal form) resolution required ka concept question tha?
    4)ek tree tha us me values mentioned thi but root node and left node me values ni thi
    Wala likhni thi alfa beta ka koi question tha?

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